Friday, May 11, 2007

I am priviledged

After all that depressive posting, i think a positive one is warranted! (Also i feel better after expressing it, talking to Jake via MSN too, helps talking to someone in the same situation).

Anywayz, this pic can be easily mistaken for a communist (no offence my commie bros) country, where it is dark, gloomy (no offence Londoners), its industrial sites all around and people have no religion, no fear of God (no offence my atheist bros) and things are just bad.

But it is Melb! just a pic from my room that looked like a sad place to be in. Nice, savvy Melb. Where it is not too relaxing, but not too rushed. People are nice (kinda), food is great. I'm in an awesome church, led by awesome people. I know many locals and internationals who would call me a friend (maybe not a close friend, but friend nontheless) and this stretches to other states. I've got a cool apartment, with a kinda nice view on the 23rd floor. I dun need to work, I am the regional head of a global student organisation (first international regional in charge ever!), I eat well, i get to go to uni, i sleep well, people love me, I definitely know my God loves me! What right do i have to be depressed?

I am not in a 3rd world sad place. I've a future and it is a bright and fulfilling one. I've a present, and it is one full of possibilities and opportunities still. I just need to reach out and GRAB it!!!

C'mon Joa! Be the warrior/leader/man ya called to be!



Leaving things till too late

Once things cross a certain line/time, there's no turning back. Damage been done. Things burnt. Could've been nice, soft and white, now its dark, black, burnt and ugly.
Repairing needs a hard knife to scrap off all the scars and burns. Painful and icky process, with alot of resistence.
Bloody look ahead mate! Pull up your socks and get down to it!! You still have one good piece left!!

Slap Slap

When things seem to be going wrong, you just wonder why.
Have I done all I can? Was there a hand I could've lent?
Am I being the leader I'm supposed to be?
What other things do I not see?
All the encouragement you know and hear,
Just gives its way to fear.
I know what ya going through, I've been there, I've shed tears.
How something so unrelated can be so personal, so close,
That it reflects on you like a mirror, and you are sad to see what you see.
Is that all there is to me?

(I hate being depressive, just how i feel atm.)


Monday, May 07, 2007

Tribute No.2

I must confess.......
I've recently made a new friend and we've been sharing a bed on and off these past weeks
And he's Milo!!! hahaha!!! sorry if i scared anybody! Hee... Yes, Milo's has become a regular sleeping mate these past few weeks, but i still make him sleep on one of my blanket cos i still think he's kinda dirty. I've become unexpectedly attached to this little bugger, in the past i only play with him once in a blue moon, but recently, i find myself spending more time with the rascal. He's definitely gonna be remembered in this part of my life. After i graduate, i prob wun see him as he's going back to S'pore with Sheryl.
I do appreciate his company when I'm at home alone studying or doing some AIESEC stuff on fri and sat nights sometimes. I kinda feel sad for him when everyone's out and he's by himself. I wonder how dogs cope with loneliness?? Hmmm... But if you notice from his eyes, they actually look lonely and in constant want of company. I hope i'm making his life a bit better. (Not so when i punish him for rumaging thru the dustbin or peeing on the carpet).
Wonder when's he's birthday, treat him to a proper hair cut and stuff.

Face to face with God

Fall on your face, fall onto your knees. This the presence of the God Most High.
Weep, Wail, Shake for He is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
I love You Jesus. You occupy my heart, You are the answer to everything in my life. Never leave me O' Lord, never take your presence away from your servant. Though I walk through the valley of the sahdow of death, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL, for You are with me, Your rod, Your staff, they comfort me.
Dear Jesus,
I cannot start a single day without You again.
Your son, friend, brother
~ Life is never the same after heart surgery~