Sunday, March 09, 2008

How weird things have turned out.. ....

How weird things have turned out.. ....

Last year, when I was applying for the ACYLP coordinator role, never did I expect that things would turn out this way.

Dun get me wrong, its nothing life or death. Its just that I never thought I'd start a new life with S. Yes, as some of you know, I'm with someone, and she's actually been a close friend of mine for the last ten years. There's a bit of history between us that got us to where we are now, but thats another story for another time.

I was in the shower today and I realised that uni's over (duh...) and I'm actually setting up my life now. And I'm setting up my life w S. It feels exciting as I realise I can make this life with her whatever I want to be. I realised also that uni doesn't have to be the best part of one's life (as I've been told by many well meaning friends), but painting whatever stroke with any brush that I choose is scary, exciting, maturing and humbling all at the same time.

It has been interesting spending the month with S, we've done mushy couply stuff like buying bed sheets and pots, having desserts (awesome desserts btw) at French cafes; done toursity things like visiting the Forbidden City, exploring different food places and getting lost in different parts of the CBD; we've also found ourselves taking over a lease to a new flat together, me neogtiating with her parents to 'allow' her to stay in Beijing and both of us desperately trying to find a job for her. We've had ups and downs, laughs and cries, jokes and quarrels. And next week, we're starting to interview tenants for 'our' new flat.

How did it out this way? I dun mean it in a bad way, its just weird how life just takes over and things happen without you planning. I mean you make decisions and all, but your decisions kinda are like reactions to a bigger plan by the universe than original actions created by you.

I like where we are now, I feel I am moving out of a self-centred mindset to one where I am part of a unit w S. Its strange how every mistake you made in past relationships becomes another streetlight in on the path you are taking now with your loved one. Hopefully, the end of the road is still far away and the destination leaves us both happy and content.

Hee... its a bit of a messy post with many thoughts blaring on the screen. But I feel thoughtful...

Hope you who is reading this are well and really, i miss you alot.

