Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Money minded

Money Money Money!

I find myself thinking about money alot these days.

Do I have enough for my future home? Will I be able to manage it well? Will my kids have enough to see them through uni? Blah blah blah....

I think Syl might be a little irritate by my constant worrying and budgeting. I hope she doesn't think I'm becoming stingy. I'm hoping to save a little more for our Dream Home!

At the moment, I'm a bit caught up in creating potential streams of income. Specifically, I'm researching the various online business ideas that I can potentially do. I'm thinking this would be a lower risk way to try out my business ideas. Currently I'm thinking of doing an E book on men style basics and maybe doing a blog/website dedicated to men's fashion/style for the average Joe. I realised fashion blogs tend to cater for upmarket designer wears that have apparel that can cost up to a few hundred dollars a piece. The average middle class hardworking Joe on the otherhand might not be so keen to spend so much on fashion. So in my years of experience of being a tight arse in my clothing but still trying to attain that designer look, I think it might be a niche worth exploring. We'll see how it goes! Wish me luck.

Also looking into money management methods, e.g investments and budgetting. I found a book-Secrets of Self -Made Millionaires by Adam Khoo that has given really practical and step by step instructions on how be in charge of your finances.

As a young man and father, I think I do hope my avenues in these things will allow me to gain financial security for my family and loved ones.

Friday, July 10, 2009

War of a different kind

Syl has been on edgey terms with her mom (my mom-in-law) the last few days.

They've been disagreeing mostly over Lil J's stuff, e.g. the temperature of his milk bath, whether to change over to formula milk and most irritable to Syl- that Syl's too laid back in getting back to work.

Like every family, daughter and mother have a baggage of issues that date back to Syl's childhood; and like every family, these issues are continuing till today. At the moment, my objective view is that Syl has the logical high ground in their disagreements as her opinions on Lil J's stuff has the backing of doctors and most parenting literature. However, I believe it is the method of delivery of her opinions that causes her mom to be entrenched in her views.

Which got me thinking- do parents disagree with us mainly because they don't like the way we deliver our opinions? I mean, to be fair, people of my generation- the Gen-Ys are a information savvy bunch. It is more likely that we know more information on a topic than our parents; not because we are smarter, but because we are more used to the access points to find this information (e.g. internet). So does this threaten people of our parent's generation, the Baby Boomers (BBs) and Gen Xs? As such, they disagree not so much the logic of our arguments but how we say it.

I do think if we (Gen Y) approach debates in a more humble manner despite knowing logic is on our side, Gen Xs and BBs would actually be more accommodating to our views.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Getting paid to not go to work

I have currently earned $950 this week..................for doing nothing!

Yes, you heard me right. There was an intial screw up in my position allocation. That plus the fact that the HR guy who is in charge of my allocation just came back from overseas and got the FLU (I hope not H1N1 though)!

As such, even though I officially started work last Monday, I've spent most of the last two weeks doing nothing.

I can't really complain, I mean I get to spend more time with my two babies (Syl and Lil J), and yet I am gettting paid. But there is a part of me that is a little worried that this might affect my career. I'm also kinda itching to go back to work. Moreover, with a I've read about the developments of the organization so far, I'm quite interested to explore my various options.

It seems that the organization has really developed rather progressively; for example, the learning festival I attended showcased the various changes in training methods and technology. What really got me interested was the emphasis to change padagogies to engage Gen Y era youths; with their focus on social networking and other forms of online techonologies.

So I am rather keen on to start work and learn more.

To be honest, I was a little apprehensive on whether I made the right decision choosing my current career path over an education one. At the moment, there are still a few doubts now and then, but I believe the only path now is to do my best to develop myself in this line of work and give my best to be a valuable asset to the organisation.

Looking forward!